Hello Oso! (EYFS and KS1)
Habitat Detectives with Oso (KS2 and families)
Audience Type: EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3, SEND, Families
Audience Size: ideal = 100; maximum = please contact Sarah
Duration: 25-60 minute workshops based on audience, 15 minute re-set time required
Topics: EYFS: Maths (comparing amounts and sizes, noticing patterns, counting), Understanding the world (Using senses to explore materials, Respect and care for living things, Exploring the natural world).
KS1 Maths (number and place value, measurement), Science (Animals including humans, Living things and their habitats, Working scientifically), Geography (Human and physical geography).
KS2 Science (Animals including humans, Living things and their habitats, Evolution and inheritance, Working scientifically), Geography (Human and physical geography)
Venue: This show works from the stage, but items are passed to the audience to add a sensory element.
Hello Oso! (EYFS, KS1, SEND)
Meet Oso. He is lost. Can you use the clues to help him find home?
Anials are adapted to the places where they live. Polar bears have a thick fur coat and layer of blubber to keep them warm in freezing conditions - but both would be a problem in a tropical rainforest! We'll be looking at some animals to work out how they are adapted to where they live, and finding what we learn to help Oso find his home.
Habitat Detectives with Oso (KS2, SEND and family audiences)
Meet Oso. He is lost. Can you use the clues to help him find home?
Animals are adapted to the places where they live, so we'll be looking at some different animals to help us work out which habitat Oso comes from....or will the clues reveal that he doesn't come from Earth and we need to think about a different planet altogether?!