Science Week:
Online Whole School Challenge
available to schools and science festivals

Audience Type: EYFS, KS1, KS2, SEND Schools
Audience Size: The whole school!
Format: A whole school challenge, designed to create a structure for your science week.
Monday: Online Launch Assembly, where the challenge is set (approx 25 mins).
Monday - Thursday: Teachers lead differentiated activities, designed to fill an afternoon session (supporting materials provided). Staff can add their own activities too!
Thursday afternoon: submit results and photos to Sarah.
Friday afternoon: Online Celebration Assembly (approx 25 mins), featuring the children's work and sharing what we have learned.
Three different challenges are available:
The Bubble Challenge: Discovering how to blow the best bubbles using different wands and mixtures
Brilliant Bridges: Design and test a super-strong bridge
Terrific Towers: Testing different columns to see which provides the best foundation for a really tall tower
All sessions have been designed to use minimal materials, include teacher support materials and have been tested both in schools and as a science festival event.
Please contact Sarah to discuss how this would work in your school or at your festival.